Anytime, anywhere K-Pass
Support Target
Residents aged 19 or older living in
local governments participating
in the K-Pass project -
All public transportation nationwide
(bus, subway, Shinbundang Line,
metropolitan bus, GTX, etc.)Does not include transportation that requires
a separate ticket,
such as intercity
(express) buses, KTX, and SRT. -
K-Pass accumulation standard
- If you use public transportation
more than 15 times a month,
the amount will be accumulated
up to 60 times based on the higher
usage amount.- Accumulation rate
Accumulation rate information table Genera
Youth : 19-34 years old
Does not include transportation that requires a separate ticket,
such as intercity (express) buses, KTX, and SRT.
20% to 53%
of public
transportation fare -
10% additional
based on
EZL K-Pass card 10% additional earning standard
If the EZL K-Pass card usage amount
(transportation/distribution/online, etc.)
in the previous month is more than
200,000 KRW,
10% of the public
transportation fare will be paid.
(Up to 2,000 KRW)
K-Pass prepaid transportation
card “EZL K-Pass”
EZL K-Pass
Card Shop -
Conveniently recharge
with the app -
Mobile K-Pass
available in the app
EZL K-Pass Card can be easily
purchased at convenience stores
and used immediately. -
You can easily use the K-Pass
with the mobile EZL app.
The existing Affordable
transportation card(알뜰교통카드)
can also be used as a K-Pass!
Check the ‘Logo of Affordable
transportation card(알뜰교통카드)’
on the front/back of the card!
If you switch to K-Pass on
the Affordable transportation
website or app,
you can use the K-Pass with the
EZL Affordable transportation
card(알뜰교통카드) account
you are using.
Benefits of the Affordable transportation card
(알뜰교통카드) are accumulated until usage history
as of 30 APR 2024.
K-Pass benefits will be applied starting from
1 MAY 2024.
Membership conversion is possible until
30 JUN 2024 If you do not convert within
the deadline,
you can use it after registering as
a new member.
Purchase the EZL K-Pass Card
at a nearby convenience storeEZL K-Pass Card Shop
Install the EZL TOP-UP app
from Google Store
or App Store
and sign up for membership.Be sure to check the EZL TOP-UP app icon.
Please select “Korean” on the
installation screen.Please complete mobile identity
verification and
agree to the terms
and conditions. -
To register the EZL K-pass card
in the EZL TOP-UP app-
Click [Card Inquiry]
Tag K-Pass card
Press the [Register+] button
Available for EZL K-Pass
EZL K-Pass Card
EZL Card
EZL Game Pass Card
LOCA M Affordable
transportation card
Check/copy EZL K-Pass card number
Select the show more button
Select the my card button
Press the button
Select the copy button
Register your EZL K-Pass card number
on the K-Pass app/website-
You must first register your
EZL K-Pass card in the EZL TOP-UP
to avoid errors during the
[Card validity check] step! -
When converting and using an
existing Affordable transportation card(알뜰교통카드),
Please enter your card number in
[K-Pass app > All menus > My card >
Change card].
Access K-Pass app/website
Sign up for K-Pass
membership -
Enter your EZL K-Pass
card number and then,
[Validity Check] to complete
K-Pass registration.
EZL K-Pass Card Accumulation
If you use the EZL K-Pass card,
you can receive a savings coupon
between the 20th and 27th
of next month. -
The savings coupon expire
7 days from the date of shipment. -
You can check the saving coupon
on the
[EZL TOP-UP app >
Coupon > Gift] screen. -
After the expiration date of
the savings coupon, it's difficult
to extend or reissue it.
Select EZL TOP-UP app [Coupon]
Check the savings coupon and
recharge within the expiration date
Install the mobile EZL app from
the Google Store
and sign up
for membership.Be sure to check the mobile EZL app icon.
After mobile identity verification
and completing membership
a mobile EZL card number will be issued. -
Check/copy mobile EZL card number
All menus of mobile EZL app
EZL card number 16 digits
(copy card number)
Register your mobile EZL K-Pass
on the K-Pass website or appWhen using the existing mobile EZL Affordable transportation card(알뜰교통카드),
please enter the card number in [K-Pass app > All menus > My card > Change card]!-
Access K-Pass
app/homepage -
Sign up for K-Pass
membership -
Enter your EZL K-Pass
card number,
after [Validity Check] and
complete K-Pass registration.
Mobile EZL K-Pass Accumulation
If you use Mobile EZL K-Pass,
you can receive a savings coupon
between the 20th and 27th of
next month. -
The savings coupon expire 7 days
from the date of shipment. -
You can check the saving coupon
on the
[EZL TOP-UP app >
Coupon > Gift] screen. -
After the expiration date of
the savings coupon, it's difficult
to extend or reissue it.
Select [All menus] of
Mobile EZL -
Select [Gift]
Selct [Receive] and recharge
within the expiration date
Use K-Pass by registering your
K-Pass credit card as payment
for Mobile EZL postpaid service-
Select [All menus]
Select the postpaid conversion menu
Apply for registration with
K-Pass credit card*K-Pass card issuers : Shinhan, Kookmin,
Samsung, Hyundai, BC (Woori/Hana/IBK) -
Register your K-Pass credit card
number on the K-Pass app or website*Not EZL card number, register with
K-Pass credit card number
Using K-Pass with Kakao Pay
Select [Mobile Transportation Card]
Issuance of prepaid transportation card
Apply for K-Pass registration
Select [Go to K-Pass registration]
Register Kakao mobile transportation
card number on K-Pass app/homepage
K-Pass will be canceled when switching
to postpaid. (Only prepaid transportation
cards are available) -
Using K-Pass with Samsung Pay
Select [Add transportation card]
Select EZL transportation card
Select storage location (app or USIM)
Payment method: Select ‘postpaid’
Payment card: Select
‘K-Pass Credit Card’*K-Pass card issuers: Shinhan, Kookmin,
Samsung, Hyundai, BC (Woori/Hana/IBK) -
Register K-Pass credit card number
on K-Pass app/homepage
Using K-Pass with Samsung Card
Select [Mobile Transportation Card]
Select payment card ‘K-Pass Credit Card’
After identity verification, issuance
is completed. -
Register your Samsung K-Pass
credit card number on the K-Pass
Using K-Pass with BC Paybook
Select [Connect mobile
transportation card] -
Select postpaid type
*K-Pass Credit Card: Woori/Hana/IBK
Register BC K-Pass credit card
number on K-Pass app/website
Using K-Pass with KB Pay
Select [Transportation Card]
Resigtration of Transportation service
Set as default transportation card
Register KB K-Pass credit card
number on K-Pass app/website